4 Reasons to Promote Your Blog on Facebook and Twitter

This may come as a surprise but a lot of people hesitate when it comes to blog promotion on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. Sometimes it’s because they don’t want certain people to know about their blog, other times it’s because they don’t want to look like they’re spamming up their friends and followers feeds, and sometimes it just comes down to the fact that they don’t know how or even realize that they should be doing so. However not using Facebook and Twitter for your blog promotion is a massive mistake. Here are four reasons you need to use Facebook and Twitter for marketing your blog:
1. More exposure: It’s pretty simple really. You post your latest blog posts on Facebook and Twitter and more people are going to click on the link to read them. You can’t leave all of it to chance and people finding you through search engines because, unless you’re a mastermind with keywords and SEO, increased traffic just isn’t going to happen as quickly as when you’re promoting on these two sites.
2. New connections: Having a social media site to promote your blog gives you the opportunity to form new connections with readers and bloggers alike. You are able to interact with them in a way that your blog on its own doesn’t afford, which deepens the relationship and gives you a more loyal audience. Both of these are vital to the success of your blog.
3. Better search engine indexing: Tweeting out links to your new posts or sharing the links on Facebook means that your posts are in more places around the web. The more places there are linking to your posts, the more likely it is that the major search engines like Google or Yahoo are going to index your posts. Better indexing means more people finding your blog through searches. More people finding your blog equal more traffic. It’s an all-around win.
4. Both offer unique audiences: It’s unlikely that you have the exact same audience on both your Facebook and Twitter accounts, so promoting your blog in both places means that it will reach more people. Because Twitter allows you to include hashtags, you are going to reach a broader audience that extends past people that are already following you. And because people can share posts they like on Facebook it opens up the door for new people finding your blog all the time. Facebook and Twitter are two of the biggest social media websites available. Not taking advantage of them for promoting your blog is just passing up a free opportunity to reach more people. So use it! You’re only hurting your blog by not.


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